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  • Writer's pictureSuzanna Reynolds

Thoughts Meanderings Changes

I have always been blessed to be able to create in different dimensions . I am consistently curious about the world and my place in it. Lockdown has shifted my focus on the space in my immediate environment which mean the roads and lanes I walk in these days, and the caravan I have made a permanent place to reside.  This has meant I have lost my studio and those large walls where I could draw with abandon. The camera which I have always loved has become more of a pencil and a drawing medium and through this I have explored imagery through a reflective process both literally and metaphorically . I take solace in nature during these challenging and shifting times - Its constancy, resilience  and sense of its ability to renew / redraw itself gives me much hope. Because photography has taken a bit of a hold these last few months,  and in this time I have gone through at my huge catalogue of photographs over recent years, with this I decided to create this website specifically for this medium.

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